Monday, June 12, 2006

Jolly Green Thumb

Ahh... That's better.

The nice folks at IMDB got rid of that pesky alter-ego.

Speaking of nice folks, thanks for all the kind words and wishes, y'all. It makes me smile when you post, especially those of you I haven't met yet in my other online haunts.

Twixter: Will do. ;)

Grumpy: Hm... If I'm real now, does that mean I have to live in Reality? I'm not sure I'm prepared to do that...

Blogwriter: I'm flattered you attempted to post over on IMDB, so I popped over there to see what's what. It appears someone (you?) posted the one and only comment on the Pool Boy 2007 Message Board. Dunno that it means I've "made it into the big leagues," but it sure was cool to see.

Keeping my focus forward, I've been watering some new character and story seeds and hope they'll bloom into something worth nurturing...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Let’s see… where was I?

I finished the third draft about May 18th and a few days later received five pages of notes from a 4 ½ hour meeting between Warren and JB Rogers, the director who has now signed on. JB directed AMERICAN PIE 2 and some other movies in the genre, so he’s a great choice for POOL BOY.

Did you catch that? A producer and a director met to discuss a script that I wrote in actual pre-production terms. Try to imagine for a moment how much I hated not attending that meeting…

No, it was worse.

To be fair, no one knew to meeting would be so in-depth – JB hadn’t even officially signed on at that point. Warren only expected an hour sit-down and a few ideas. If I’d known what it would turn out to be, I’d have flown out for it.

Anyway, about a week after the notes from that meeting came my way, I turned in a fourth draft (yeah, that's four drafts in two months if you're keeping score) and wrote a synopsis for Warren to send out to agencies.

And it appears, for now, anyway, my work on POOL BOY is done. I'm catching back up with my life and my manager is waiting for me to come up with some new spec ideas to develop and market and get me some meetings out there.

In related news, I thought this was kinda cool…

('Though this Julie O'Hara chick is beginning to annoy me...)