So proud of our little artiste
Daughter #2 (identified in previous blog entries as "Malfoy"), age 4, is an artist. She'll tell you so, herself. Unlike most kids, who say, "I'm gonna be an artist when I grow up," she says, "I'm an artist." All matter-of-fact-like.
Unlike most artists, she's quite confident in social situations.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, for instance, we visited the largish home of some richish family friends who were having a big, fancy party. Mrs. Family Friend and Malfoy have an unusually close friendship, despite a 46-year age difference and only a few meetings. In fact, Mrs. FF left her other big, fancy party guests to fend for themselves while she and Malfoy went in the other room to refresh their lipstick and spritz perfume.
As we exited the FF's manse that evening, I told Malfoy how proud I was because she was such a good girl at the FF's party. And all matter-of-fact-like, she said, "And I didn't even toot."
(So proud...)
Luckily, Mrs. FF didn't offer our little artiste any crayons and paper, else she and her other big, fancy party guests might've been treated to something like this recent Malfoy original:
So proud...
Unlike most artists, she's quite confident in social situations.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, for instance, we visited the largish home of some richish family friends who were having a big, fancy party. Mrs. Family Friend and Malfoy have an unusually close friendship, despite a 46-year age difference and only a few meetings. In fact, Mrs. FF left her other big, fancy party guests to fend for themselves while she and Malfoy went in the other room to refresh their lipstick and spritz perfume.
As we exited the FF's manse that evening, I told Malfoy how proud I was because she was such a good girl at the FF's party. And all matter-of-fact-like, she said, "And I didn't even toot."
(So proud...)
Luckily, Mrs. FF didn't offer our little artiste any crayons and paper, else she and her other big, fancy party guests might've been treated to something like this recent Malfoy original:
So proud...